Soil Science
Agricultural Soil & Food Systems
Nutrient Management & Soil & Plant Analysis: Manufacturing technology, additives, coating techniques, evaluation and soil test analysis. Faculty: John Grove, Dave McNear, Hanna Poffenbarger
Soil & Water Management & Conservation: Irrigation, drainage, tillage, erosion, evaporation, transpiration, cropping systems and cultivation methods. Faculty: John Grove, Hanna Poffenbarger
Soil Fertility & Plant Nutrition: Plant nutrients and plant nutrition, interaction of plant growth factors, and soil and plant tissue tests. Faculty: John Grove, Dave McNear, Hanna Poffenbarger
Fundamental Soil Science
Pedology: Soil formation and geology, physical and chemical properties, soil survey and mapping, interpretation of soil behavior and wetland preservation. Faculty: Chris Shepard
Soil Biology & Biochemistry: Soil microorganisms, organic matter, nitrogen transformations, microbial decomposition, rhizosphere dynamics, mycorrhizae, enzymes and fate of organic material. Faculty: Rebecca McCulley, Dave McNear, Hanna Poffenbarger
Soil Chemistry: Analysis, acidity, liming, ion exchange, physical chemistry of soils and behavior of soil additives. Faculty: John Grove, Chris Matocha, Dave McNear, Jason Unrine
Soil Mineralogy: Frequency, distribution, formation, translocation and properties of soil minerals. Faculty: Chris Matocha
Soil Physics & Hydrology: Water movement, structure and aggregation, and modeling of water movement and contaminant movement. Faculty: Ole Wendroth
Soil & Ecosystem Processes
Forest, Range & Wildland Soils: Soil organic matter dynamics, biogeochemistry of deficient nutrients, long-term soil sustainability management practices, below-ground processes and rhizosphere dynamics, water relations/hydrology and soil biodiversity. Faculty: Rebecca McCulley
Soils & Environmental Quality: Influence upon and interaction of soils with the environment and efforts of soil scientists to maintain and improve the quality of the environment. Faculty: Dave McNear, Hanna Poffenbarger, Jason Unrine, Brad Lee
Urban & Anthropogenic Soils: Soils altered by human activities in the suburban or urban environment. Faculty: Brad Lee
Wetland Soils: Wetland soil processes, classification, nutrient relationships and water quality. Faculty: Elisa D'Angelo