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Alumni Awards

Distinguished Alumnus

One alumnus is selected annually to receive this award in recognition of their exceptional career achievements. The recipient will have completed an M.S. or Ph.D. degree in the Crop Science, Plant Physiology, Plant and Soil Science or Soil Science graduate program at least five years prior to the date of the nomination. 

IPSS Alumnus Early Career Award

The IPSS Early Career Award is presented by the IPSS Graduate Student Association. Recipients must have completed their doctoral degree in IPSS or the preceding programs within 5-15 years of the award date. The recipient is selected by GSA members based on career progress following graduation. 

Current Recipients        Previous Recipients

Alumni News

January 14, 2021: Lindsey Slaughter was awarded her first grant from the USDA-NIFA as PI! This is for a soil greenhouse gas project (focus on methane) in grass/legume pastures.

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Alumni Newsletters

    GSA Officers

    President: Bridget Bolt and Lucca Madeo Cortarelli

    Vice President: (FNU) Shristi

    Business Officer*: Upama Dev

    Graduate Student Congress Representative: Yan Zhou

    Social Committee Chair: Jack Eaker

    Professional Development Chair: Kiera Searcy

    President Emeritus: Paul Cöckson

    *Combined Secretary-Treasurer Position

    Contact Information

    Rebecca McCulley, Ph.D.
    Department Chair

    105 Plant Sciences Building Lexington, KY 40546-0312

    (859) 257-5020