Mark S. Coyne

Mark S. Coyne

Mark S. Coyne

Professor Emeritus

Emeritus Faculty
N122 Ag Science North 1100 Nicholasville Road Lexington, KY 40546-0091

Last Revised: Mar 19th, 2024

Professional Biography

2006-present: Professor, University of Kentucky

1997-2005: Associate Professor, University of Kentucky

1991-96: Assistant Professor, University of Kentucky

1989-90: Postdoctoral research scholar, Department of Soil Science, University of California, Berkeley

1985-89: Graduate research assistant, Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Michigan State University

1982-84: Graduate research assistant, Department of Soil and Environmental Sciences, U. California, Riverside


Ph.D., Crop and Soil Science (Soil Microbiology), Michigan State University, 1989
M.S., Soil and Environmental Science, University of California, Riverside, 1984
B.S., Agronomy and International Agriculture, Iowa State University, 1982

Course Instruction

PLS 566: Soil Microbiology (3)
Course Description: The nature and biochemical activities of soil microflora; their significance in soil genesis and structure and their role in soil fertility. Prereq: PLS 366 or an introductory microbiology course or consent of instructor.

Term(s) Taught:
PLS 567: Methods in Soil Microbiology (1)
Course Description: Methods in Soil Microbiology will be a laboratory course dedicated to introducing upper division students to the methods and techniques used by microbiologists and other soil scientists to examine organisms, interactions, and processes in soil systems. Laboratory, three hours per week. Prereq: PLS 366 or introductory microbiology course.

Term(s) Taught:
PLS 660: Advanced Soil Biology (2)
Course Description: A critical evaluation of the current research status in selected aspects of soil biology. Prereq: PLS 566 or consent of instructor.

Term(s) Taught:

Contact Information

Rebecca McCulley, Ph.D.
Department Chair

105 Plant Sciences Building Lexington, KY 40546-0312

(859) 218-0742