2022 Shirley Phillips No-Till Award
2022 Shirley Phillips No-Till Award
Published on Feb. 15, 2023

Dr. Humberto Blanco is the recipient of the 2022 Shirley Phillips No-Till Award. This annual award is given to individuals whose career has been devoted to promoting no-till practices. Dr. Blanco received his PhD in Soil Science from the University of Missouri in 2003. He’s currently a professor at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. One of his main focuses is Conservation Agriculture. Dr. Blanco is assessing no-till, reduced till, and conventional till impacts on soil physical and hydraulic properties and soil C in different environments. Dr. Blanco’s research and teaching responds to the needs of Nebraska agriculture and beyond. He emphasizes the application of scientific principles of soil management and applied soil physics to meet the increasing demands for food, feed, fuel, and fiber while enhancing soil ecosystem services.