International Visitors
International Visitors
Which Type of International Visitor are You?
This category is intended for individuals who come primarily to conduct research, teach or lecture (i.e. postdoctoral scholars/fellows, visiting scholars and other non-permanent positions, etc.). Under most circumstances, the category allows for a maximum stay of five years, upon extension approval.
There is a 24-month ban on repeat participation. This means that when the program is completed, the scholar cannot return to the U.S. as a J-1 Research Scholar or Professor for a period of two years. Scholars may return in another visa status or another J-1 category, such as the Short-Term Scholar, if the department wishes to continue sponsorship.
More details can be found at the UK International Center.
If this is the classification of visitor you wish to be, please complete the International Visitor Checklist and return it to Suzette Walling in 105 Plant Sciences Building.
This is intended for individuals who will remain at UK for a maximum duration of six months to conduct research, teach or observe. Extensions cannot be granted beyond the six-month period of stay. The Short-Term Scholar is not subject to the 24-month bar on repeat participation.
For more details on Short-Term Scholar classification, refer to the UK International Center.
If this is the classification of visitor you wish to be, please complete the International Visitor Checklist and return it to Suzette Walling in 105 Plant Sciences Building.
Student intern program participants come to the United States to pursue a structured and guided work-based internship program in their specific academic field. Prior work experience is not required. Contact Suzette Walling for more information.
The instructions for this category are very unique and unlike the other J-1 status categories. This category is an option for international undergraduate students.
More details can be found at the UK International Center.
International students who are enrolled in a graduate program at another institution and plan to attend the University of Kentucky as a Visiting Student can request a J-1 visa through the Student Intern or Student Non-Degree categories.
All graduate students are required to fill out UK's Graduate School Application using the visiting student portal of the application. (The application fee is waived.) The DS-2019 will not be processed until the application is completed.
The department is also required to complete an International Visitor Checklist and submit to the CAFE Dean's Office for approval. Please contact Suzette Walling for assistance.
More details can be found at the UK International Center.
Return Completed Forms to:
Suzette Walling via email, in person or mail to:
Department of Plant and Soil Sciences
Attn: Suzette Walling
105 Plant Sciences Building
Lexington, Kentucky, USA 40546-0312
For help, contact Suzette Walling.