Undergraduate Research Experience In Environmental Health Sciences (SURES) Program

Undergraduate Research Experience In Environmental Health Sciences (SURES) Program

Undergraduate Research Experience In Environmental Health Sciences (SURES) Program

Published on Jan. 27, 2017

A research-training program for undergraduates after their sophomore year.  This program is specifically for students who are interested in a careers in environmental health sciences.

Students will:

• Gain research experience in research in:

            -Environmental exposures (heavy metals, organics, soil-based pathogens, nanomaterials, tobacco smoke and radon)           -Environmentally associated diseases (cancer, neuropathology and metabolic diseases)  

•Network with local scientists and professionals in Environmental Health Sciences •Attend Workshops in Careers and Professional Development Skills •Present original research

The mentors available this summer are: 




Chen, G.

Carcinogenesis; Neuroscience

Pharmacology and Nutritional Sciences

Coyne, M

Environmental contamination/soil environment

Plant and Soil Sciences

Fondufe- Mittendorf, Y.

Epigenetics; Carcinogenesis

Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry

Hahn, E.

Community-Engaged Research; Chemoprevention

College of Nursing

Murphy, P.

Metal Toxicology/ Neuroscience

Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry

Pearson, K.

PCBs, Nutrition and Perinatal Exposure

Pharmacology and Nutritional Sciences

Pennell, K.

Stakeholder-Engaged Research; Environmental Fate

Civil Engineering

Shi, X.

Chemoprevention; Carcinogenesis

Toxicology and Cancer Biology/Graduate Center for Toxicology

Spear, Brett

Biochemical Toxicology; Carcinogenesis; Cardiovascular Disease

Microbiology, Immunology & Molecular Genetics/Graduate Center for Toxicology

St. Clair, D.

Oxidative stress; Carcinogenesis

Toxicology and Cancer Biology/Graduate Center for Toxicology

Swanson, H.

PCBs, Nutrition and Biochemical Toxicology

Pharmacology and Nutritional Sciences/Graduate Center for Toxicology

Tsyusko, O

Nanomaterial Toxicity

Plant and Soil Sciences

Unrine, J.

Nanomaterial and Metal Toxicity

Plant and Soil Sciences/Graduate Center for Toxicology

Yokel, R.

Nanomaterial Toxicity

College of Pharmacy/GCT

Zhou, C.

Biochemical Toxicology; Cardiovascular Disease

Pharmacology and Nutritional Sciences



Application Deadline: March 1, 2017Applicants Notified: March 20, 2017Program Dates: June 5 - August 11, 2016Stipend of $4,000

Criteria for selection: academic standing, minimum GPA of 3.0 required, prior or demonstrated research experience,commitment to research and interest in environmental health sciences careers.“Students are responsible for finding local housing for the 10-week duration of the SURF program. Additional funding for room and board is not available”

Please contact Veronique Thibault if you have any issue submitting your application.

Sponsored by: National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences

Contact Information:Dr. Hollie Swansonhollie.swanson@uky.eduor 859-323-1463

Contact Information

Rebecca McCulley, Ph.D.
Department Chair

105 Plant Sciences Building Lexington, KY 40546-0312

(859) 218-0742