Jim Crutchfield has spent many years working and becoming a successful contributor in his chosen career field
Jim Crutchfield has spent many years working and becoming a successful contributor in his chosen career field
Published on Aug. 19, 2015
Like countless others, Jim Crutchfield has spent many years working and becoming a successful contributor in his chosen career field. Jim, an Analytical Chemist in the Department of Plant and Soil Sciences, has devoted his career here at the University of Kentucky to conducting element analysis for soil science and tobacco research. While conducting these analyses he has also developed new techniques and invented analytical equipment that enhanced the department’s research. Jim has now reached a rare milestone in his UK career; on June 7, 2015, Jim has been employed with UK an amazing 50 years, a feat that most employees will never see happen in their own career. His supervisor Dr. John Grove describes Jim as someone who flies under the radar, “Jim comes to work and does his thing, quietly and efficiently. Serves all comers.” A former colleague, Dr. Lowell Bush states, “Jim is always a very eager cooperator, a real pleasure to do business with. He is motivated, inventive, professional and competent. His research on nitrate and nitrite measurements was outstanding as were the results for our samples. Jim managed his lab on a limited budget, thus efficient with money as well as time.” Jim’s devotion and dedication to his research, the department, college and University, surpasses all expectations of what would be considered a loyal and dedicated employee in the workplace. The University and the Plant and Soil Sciences Department are truly blessed and honored to have such an employee as we do with Jim Crutchfield. Congratulations Jim for a job well done.